Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Idea - Sharing the Glory

So often when I take a walk around the bog in the morning I feel like sharing it with someone. I have often thought the idea of a Blog from the Bog would be a catchy phrase and one could just blurb out whatever little glory of nature happened that day.

Today with the snow blowing sideways and the trees reminding me to"keep my eyes to the sky" for more reasons than bird watching, I was so struck by how electric green the moss was along a small brook I walk by. Its as though it were lit from within. Its obviously been sucking up all this over the top moisture and renewing its pledge to make chlorophyll no matter what season it finds itself in. And the same with the lichen on the trees, and the kind that gets in the crevices of the pitch pine bark, neon green in my patch of woods. Also my pond continues to be graced with about a dozen pairs of Hooded Mergansers and the males are raising and lowering that white hooded patch of theirs in what can only be considered a come hither look. I love that book that explained their amorous antics, which would I love to see, where they vault out of the air, do an areal sommersault and land in a shower of water droplets, only to find the female nonplussed and still feeding. Catching a moment like that would be such a rare and wonderful thing wouldn't it? But with the ever present dog it seems unlikely, they all scatter to the far side of the pond as he comes racing along. And as I seem a far more dedicated dog walker than bird watcher I will just have to accept that I can picture it in my minds eye and no where else. And just a reminder for all of us to keep our ear attuned to that duck sound that isn't a duck, as this coming, warmer, weather may coax the wood frogs out of their slumber and off to the vernal pools in search of love. AND I am getting more than psyched about the idea of woodcocks and their wooing of Ms woodcock to only be a few weeks away now. How about a Crepescular Crawl in a couple weeks to see them go through their flights of wild yearning at Long Pasture. I think I should find a way to advertise this and open it up to other people too. Course any more than a dozen people at a time and we may spook the Romeos. Something to think about. And if any of you hear folks talking about a woodcock population closer to Sandwich let me know.

OK, so I know nothing of what a real blog is. Short and pithy maybe, not rambling like this. I do like to write. Enjoy your day, remembering the sky is still a brilliant blue on the other side of these clouds and that the rumor is this weekend will be a foretaste of spring, so we must set the fa la la la la feelings that snow can bring, aside and go for the trowel instead. No, first the rake, a winters load of blown branches mingle with the snipped off pines from my squirrels. Short and pithy..hmm need to practice that..


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