To finish that phrase, Auntie Mame style, (as in the movie and play, not a relative of mine!) “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!” Today, in this Sunday Blog, lets promise ourselves that we will do our best to avoid finding ourselves in the “starving sucker” category!
Life IS a banquet, with so many “specialties” on the menu. I, of course, seem to delight in choosing from the “Nature” column. Perhaps you choose “Love of Art” from the menu, or “Music”, or “People Watching”. The point is, to choose something.
Whenever I walk, wherever I walk, there seems to be something to glory in, a banquet of delights to choose from. Last Sunday, with the long ride back from DC before me, I got up early and walked in the wooded area behind my daughter’s apartment. The same place where the Toad Symphony took place. It was early enough that the birds were going full throttle. But behind the exuberant bird songs, many of which I did recognize, was another, how to describe it, chirring sound, that I had never heard before.
Some warbler or perhaps a really loud tree frog, that’s what it was reminiscent of. But no, when I finally tracked it down, it was a young looking squirrel, with his mouth full of leaves and branches, chirring as he tried to negotiate a limb, yet kept smacking into other branches with his “double wide” load. Was the chirring frustration? I don’t know but it was pretty amusing to watch.
For all the squirrel nests I have seen, and you have seen them too, big balls of dried leaves high up in the trees, I had never seen one being made. When he finally reached the nest in progress, he stuffed them into the growing ball of branches, then galloped off to get more. I watched him stop along the way to wipe his cheeks on both sides of the branch as though he was scratching. And I have read about that before too, but had never seen it. Supposedly they scent mark their “route” through the trees and tadaa, I got to see that in action too. Two new things in one morning! A double order from the banquet! And again, I rise up and call my daughter Jen, “blessed”, for giving me these great binoculars last Christmas that help me see these “firsts”!
Good thing I “dined” early that day too, for I would go on to get stuck in so much traffic, that the normally 8 hour trip from DC to the Cape, would take 12. Not many of us would choose from the “congested traffic” column on the menu! So this week, I encourage you to pull up your chair to this incredible spread God has put before us and join the Feast. It would be so sad to leave this “meal” with an empty stomach when there is so much to be had. Delight God with your enjoyment, and the spirit of Auntie Mame, wherever she is!
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