The wonderful delight of walks in the fall, beside the obvious beauty of the turning of the leaves, is that sunrise is so delayed, that you don’t have to be some wild-eyed woman-of-the-woods to get up early enough to see it. Just as my husband was leaving for work yesterday, the sky turned chalk-drawn pink and I knew, rather than making the bed, making lunch etc, I should grab the dog and the binoculars and get out there. And what a pay off! Some sunrises just creep up with little fanfare, some come under the cover of low clouds or fog, but this one came with the most brilliant oranges and pinks so that the air itself seemed rose colored.
But then, as if having half the sky a cauldron of color wasn’t enough, I turned to look back towards the west and here was this black sky, intensely black with, catch my breath, a complete, vibrant-with-every-color, rainbow, arching over the woods! Glory, the kind of glory that knocks you sideways!
I was almost to the bog, where I would have a much wider view, so I hurried over the tracks, hoping it wouldn’t fade, and there it was, the entire sky laid out with colors. The sunrise hadn’t abated, and neither had the rainbow. You know how, so often, it is only a half-bow, or you don’t see all the colors, often the indigo doesn’t seem to make it, but this one was so remarkable in its completeness, a poster-child of a rainbow. And it seemed to arch from one end of the cranberry bog to the other.
Now, add to a sky full of color, a cranberry bog in the midst of harvest. The berries had been floated and were now gathered by booms in huge circles of magenta, pink and maroon. “Crave the Wave” spread out before me. As often is the case, you will have this classic picture of a sea of cranberries with a flock of ducks floating in the middle. The mallards have been pouring back into the bog, perhaps coming from the north, perhaps fleeing all the city parks they have hung out at all summer, but here they were adding flashes of green to the sea of reds. How much beauty can one walk contain!
The amazing thing was how long the rainbow lingered. It was there for my entire walk, and the final touch was having that thick golden light that you see at sunrise and before sunset that hits the tops of trees with pure gold. So, there were the pines, vibrant green needles, hit by gold, with a backdrop of black and overtopped by a rainbow! “Glorious, You are so Glorious” a song by the Newsboys played over and over in my head. What a morning! Thank you, thank you God!
And here, I almost feel bad, like I am bragging, “Look what I saw!” but please, I never mean it to be that way. But I do want to point out that we all have about two more weeks before Daylight Savings Time comes into play. Two more weeks of sunrises at a reasonable time to be up and at ‘em. So make a date with the outdoors and plan to catch your own Technicolor Morning show. Nature rarely disappoints, if not a wild color show, something else will appear. A piebald fawn, a flock of robins, a passage of ducks, something, there is always something. Yikes, now that the light is appearing, I can see clearing in the sky and maybe that program won’t be cancelled after all! Speak about getting up and getting at it, I had better end this! May glory touch your day in one way or the other.
P.S. The pictures I use for this blog do come from the Internet, and this time, none of the pictures I found did true justice to what I saw, but still, something was better than nothing, but oh for a decent camera and the ability to use it!
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