And because of that “limited time” part, let’s see if we can keep it more a litany than a rambling description. Not an easy task for a verbal rambler like me!
In no particular order then, God’s kind answer to my request each day to “Show me your Glory Lord”:
-An early morning fog that lay over the bog, swirling mists with a steady quacking of mallards coming from the center of it.
-That Blue jay hiding his acorn stash within sight of my binoculars.
-Raccoon prints on the railroad tracks that went on forever, unseen on my first pass
when it was still dark, but illuminated in the morning sun on dew when I returned. Sign this raccoon up for the circus, what a long tightrope walk he took!
-The Ruby Meadowhawk dragonflies that danced around my school group during a Forest program, landing on several of them to their total delight.
-The incredibly cooperative Peregrine Falcon that flew low over my walking group, not once, but three times, until we all saw it’s magnificent scalloped feathering and black markings on it’s face that make it unmistakably a Peregrine.
-On the way to Bible Study where we would be studying Psalm 8-“You have set your Glory above the heavens” when He did just that. A sunset with every permutation of pink and orange in it, a half rainbow, and a nearly full moon rising-Psalm 8 written across the skies.
-The sunrise that is taking place outside my window as I write this: more variations on the theme of pink and gold.
-A wonderful hole under a large dead tree near the bog that my dog discovered and I am hoping may be home to another weasel. Maybe.
-A lone Woodcock, yes the Woodcock I seek after each spring to see it’s mating flight, was sitting all alone in the slough, soaking up the sun. My first Woodcock ever seen on the bog, and perhaps never will be seen again, but for that moment, sheer Glory!
-And finally, picking wild cranberries with a friend, in a freshwater bog in the middle of the beautiful dunes of Sandy Neck on a glorious blue day. The view from the dunes of blue sky, white sand, golden beach grass seed heads and the distant brilliantly blue ocean, is a scene I will keep with me always. I always have. In the military we moved about 14 times, and whenever I was asked, in yoga or other calming activities to close my eyes and picture someplace full of peace and beauty, this has been the scene I see. And the scene remains today. Glory! And to add joy upon joy, we returned to the beach, our bag full of cranberries to be treated to Gannets diving and a Harbor Seal watching us watch him.
Thank you God, thank you. All Creation surely does sing your praises, and you have given me eyes to see it. Yea God!
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